If this is a mental health-related emergency, please call 988, the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. For other emergencies, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital.
Sycamores relies on the generous support of its community to help provide thousands of essential items, toys, gift cards and more, for those we serve year-round. Host a Supply, Toy, or Gift Card Drive with your business, school or a group of friends. Sycamores will provide the tags listing specific wishes from the children/youth we serve or, if you prefer, you can hold a general toy drive or collect gift cards. Donations are welcome year-round and include back-to-school, holiday, household, hygiene, gift cards and more.
If you would like to learn more, please contact Melissa Pittson at mpittson@sycamores.org or 626-395-7100 x 2018.
Our communities continue to count on us for more than the services we provide. Your support makes a difference!